Laser correction of hyperpigmentation
- Pigmented spots;
- Post-traumatic stains.
What problems can Fotona StarWalker® cope with?
Age pigmentation
Patches caused by excessive insolation (photoaging)
Post-inflammatory spots
How does classic cosmetology solve the problem of hyperpigmentation?
Classic cosmetology, both conservative and instrumental, basically works in 2 directions:
- Exfoliation of existing pigment
- Long-term use of cosmetics that block the synthesis of new melanin.
Both of these directions, and especially their combined effect has been proven over the years to be effective, but each method has disadvantages, as well. For example, in order to remove the deep-lying pigment, it is necessary to apply rather aggressive chemical or mechanical grinding techniques. The result will definitely show, but you can enjoy it only after 3-4 weeks. The rehabilitation period will take about 2 of these weeks. Your face will need special care, often accompanied by discomfort.
The effectiveness of external whitening agents, creams and serums, largely depends on the permeability of the skin. In addition, bleaching components often have an irritating effect, cause itching and redness, as well as increase photosensitivity, and therefore are limited by seasonality of application.
That is why laser correction of hyperpigmentation is more promising in the 21st century.
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Will the effect be there from the first session?
To get rid of age spots qualitatively, the doctor makes an individual schedule of visits to the office. On average, 3 procedures performed at an interval of about a month are required for a stable result.

How does the laser treat dark spots on the skin?
The method is based on the principle of selective photothermolysis. This means that certain skin structures absorb the maximum amount of energy, which leads to their destruction. In the standard variant of laser therapy these structures are represented by melanocytes.
That is, the procedure results in the death of the cell containing the pigment. But the developers of the FOTONA laser system have gone further and managed to affect only melanosomes (the spheres containing pigments in melanocytes), which means that the cell remains alive as a result of the procedure! This greatly increases the level of safety.
Such radical changes have been made possible by technical improvements in the process itself. The FOTONA laser system uses a combination of nanosecond and picosecond pulse durations to correct hyperpigmentation.
The absorption by the target (melanosomes) of a huge amount of energy in the shortest possible time there results in a photoacoustic effect, which means breakdown of melanosomes into a large number of fragments. This fact plus the action of the blast wave on the surrounding tissues provokes intensive restructuring of the dermis, which is expressed in the synthesis of new collagen, elastin, mucin.
As a consequence, the appearance of atrophic scars and/or wrinkles improves.
How will the skin look like after the procedure and is there a rehabilitation period?
The great advantage of the Fotona StarWalker® system is the fine control and absolute safety. As mentioned above, the laser energy affects only the target structure, leaving the surrounding tissue intact. This means that after exposure to the laser, only the element itself (the spot itself) will darken and possibly form a thin crust. On average, this phenomenon passes within a week. The surrounding tissue will be a completely healthy, unchanged surface.
Special recommendations for the near future: Do not visit the sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool for two weeks. Sunscreen should be used with an SPF of at least 30. Other recommendations are made individually to each patient by the doctor during the initial consultation.