PEELS line – cosmetic agents with enzymes, regeneration and refreshing of the skin


Cosmetic agents with enzymes are used for delicate and effective cleansing of any skin type.

Holy Land has developed absolutely universal and miraculous enzyme line – PEELS, which very carefully cleans and renews the cells in the epidermis.

The PEELS enzyme line is modest, but extremely effective:

  • ENZYMATIC PEEL – peeling cream for all skin types. It effectively copes with moisturizing, cleansing and renewing of the skin. Due to the enzymes of papaya and pineapple, a very delicate and careful cleansing of the skin surface from dead cells takes place. This enzymatic peeling cream is suitable for even the most sensitive skin, which lacks renewal and improvement of blood circulation.
  • DAILY MICRO PEEL – an enzyme peeling scrub with vitamin C. It is an excellent agent for instant skin cleansing + antioxidant protection due to vitamin C in the composition. It is great for skin with enlarged pores and hyperkeratosis.

The range of cosmetic agents with an enzyme composition significantly improves the appearance of absolutely any skin!