A-NOX Plus RETINOL Line – home care for problem skin


Since all our favorite clients know the A-NOX line, they also know about its modified form – A-NOX Plus RETINOL. Besides its active composition, the line is supplemented by an ingredient that is indispensable in the treatment of papulopustular acne, such as retinol. Retinol is a natural form of vitamin A. In the treatment of acne, it is necessary to use the retinol, because the lion’s share of the influence on the foci of infection with Propionibacterium acnes is provided by retinol. It can increase the local immunity of the skin, which is especially vulnerable in oily skin in the presence of bacteria, which worsens the use of alcohol-based drying agents. We recommend this line to people who suffer from severe, moderate or recurrent acne, as well as representatives of oily skin with obvious hyperkeratosis.

IMPORTANT! Due to the fact that the line contains retinol, the following agents are not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

  • Advantages of the line:
  • Elimination of hyperkeratosis;
  • Reducing of inflammatory elements;
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • Lightening of post-acne spots;
  • Dissolving of cysts and papules;
  • Increase the skin immunity.

A-NOX Plus RETINOL MASK – disinfecting and drying mask.
A-NOX Plus RETINOL SPOT TREATMENT GEL – gel for spot application, actively contribute to dissolving and healing of large inflammatory elements.
A-NOX Plus RETINOL HYDRATING LOTION is a moisturizing emulsion for oily skin type.

The positive dynamic of the treatment with this line occurs only after a month of using agents of this line. In the case of severe peeling and tightness of the skin, it is recommended to use agents from other lines with a moisturizing spectrum of action. During the use of this range of agents, you need to be in touch with the treating cosmetologist, who will answer all your questions.